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       Pick-and-pack is merchandise shipment process whereby items are selected (picked) from a warehouse according to what has been ordered by each customer, and then packed for shipment. Pick-and-pack is easy when every customer receives the same items but becomes complex when each customer orders various quantities and types of items from a variety of available merchandise.

      Pick and pack is a straightforward approach to filling customer orders that utilizes a minimum number of steps in order to expedite the order fulfillment process.

     Georg Jensen Thailand in part of bonded warehouse, we have Warehouse staff or other name is Pick and Pack they are 4 staffs which duties to pick and pack product follow with customer order from customer service, cut the stock out or update stock after pick or import product into stock and print out support documents there are invoice and packing list and send to proceed the export shipment.

Working Process

Picking Process

          Packing process is one of pick and pack working process it shows the step to pick a product to before packing which is relate with AX system and also document preparation to export the shipment.

There are 4 stop of picking process;

First, open Microsoft dynamics AX. In everyday, customer service will receive the order from customer and input data of packing list into AX which is connect with pick and pack department so next strap is, 

Second, download pick work and print in out. Pick work is lists of products from many orders separate by customer location. 

Third, Pick staffs go to pick product from inventory shelf follow with pick work documents such as item number, quantity and product name and size. 

Fifth, Packing process in part of Microsoft dynamics AX system. After pick product up from shelf, staff has to make open and close box in AX program to make sure and also update stock.

Packing Process

       Pack processes are process under responsibility of warehouse staffs. These processes are start from after pick product from inventory shelf and it have to update stock by open and close box in Microsoft dynamic AX system.


   There are 7 step of packing process in AX system:

First, Open Microsoft dynamics AX system by use staff ID and Password.

Second, Scan License plate or box code into AX system. This step we have to scan the box code to open box in AX system.

Third, scan picked products code into AX system to fulfill the box that we have opened it earlier. In each product they have own code to show their information. This step is important, we are open box and fulfill product into box by scan their code because it is only one way to cutting stock out (update stock) then the AX system will generate needed document to operate export shipment automatically. We can say that it is security to raise working process effective and rise precision in inventory control part. 

Fourth, close box in Microsoft dynamics AX system.

Fifth, Microsoft Dynamics AX system will generate needed document out. 

Sixth, download and print needed documents out and send to export and import in bonded warehouse to operating export shipment.  

Seventh, pack the product into the box.  

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