It is a position that must be responsible for selecting and training people who work in the factory and must take care of employees in various departments of the factory. Sometimes this department may have to contact external organization to create promotional activities relationship between employees in the factory such as annual health check-up, organizing activities on public holidays and year-end festivities. Including the supervision and management of compensation and welfare of employees in the factory to be in the orderly and most effective according to Thai labor standards TLS. 8001-2553 and ISO 9001. The HR department can divide duties as follows:
Recruitment and Selection
Employee training and development
Salary and Benefits
Employee Engagement
Recruitment and Selection Process
Various departments in the factory that require more workers will write a recruitment and selection request to hire workers to the Human Resources Department.
The Human Resources Department will scrutinize and inspect the manpower from the department that submit the documents and present the managing director to consider. In case the Managing Director does not approve of accepting people to work the department, the Human Resources Department will inform the department that submits the request is fail to hire the employee to know and store the documents. The Human Resource department defines two methods for recruiting employees:
External Recruitment
Human Resources Department announces job applications in various public relations media as appropriate, such as websites for job search announcements or offline channels.
Internal Recruitment
The Human Resources Department will announce job applications at the factory's public relations boards or public relations via email of the factory.
Interested workers can fill out a request for permission to apply for an internal job by allowing the department administrator to approve and submit the Human Resources Department before the application deadline. Then the Human Resources department will inspect employee qualifications.
Employee training and development
The Human Resources manager will receive the policy from the Managing Director and carry out the necessary training needs by surveying, analyzing the problem or from the training requirements of each department. From then, the training team will bring the information to create a training plan with the budget proposed to the Human Resources Manager.
The Human Resources Manager will consider the budget and propose to the factory manager to consider, review and approve the budget in the training plan. Then the Human Resources Department will send a copy of the training plan to the accounting manager to reserve the budget for organizing the annual training.
Salary and Benefit​
Every month, the Human Resource department will calculate the salary of the any employees in the factory through the Microsoft Dynamics AX program to be specified in the payroll notification documents and sent to all employees, including various expenses such as provident funds, deposits, factory savings cooperative deposits and income tax, which the salary will be automatically transferred to the bank account of each employees.​
4. Employee Engagement
The Human Resources department is also responsible for organizing activities for employees according to tradition, including welcoming new employees, building relationships between employees and supervising employees to have Work-life Balance, such as New Year's party and Songkran activities. Including taking care of employees when they are sick, their vacation (depending on the length of work in the factory) and annual bonuses (depending on the length of work in the factory)​

Thai Labor-Standard : TLS 8001-2546 is rules, practices, labor, employment conditions and working conditions such as wages, working hours, holidays and work safety, labor standards so that workers are protected equally resulting in quality of life, safety, good labor relations, and morale at work for them.
Requirements of Thai labor standards, there are 2 main parts
- Management system (a quality management system to ensure that employees are supervised)
Rights and practices of labor (Convention of international labor organizations-ILO / Constitutional law / various labor laws)
2. The International Organization for Standardization: ISO 9001
It is defined as the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS). Organizations use the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements. It is the most popular standard in the ISO 9000 series and the only standard in the series to which organizations can certify. ISO 9001:2015 applies to any organization, regardless of size or industry. More than one million organizations from more than 160 countries have applied the ISO 9001 standard requirements to their quality management systems. Organizations of all types and sizes find that using the ISO 9001 standard helps them:
Organize processes
Improve the efficiency of processes

Proactive Recruitment Strategy
Activities that focus on operations that are aligned with the strategic direction of the organization, which will analyze the needs, manpower rates of the agencies and organizations in order to know the amount of the appropriate manpower and the required knowledge both current and future. And it used as an input for strategic planning, proactive recruitment in order to achieve the goals in the manpower plan and to determine the method of recruiting both public relations channels and appropriate activity forms, able to reach and attract the attention of the group target as much as possible.
Proactive Recruitment Strategy Characteristics
The organization has a plan of manpower that is consistent with the vision and mission of the organization both in the short and long term.
The data used for manpower planning / manpower plans are derived from analyzing both internal and external factors and must be clear and concrete.
The rate plan is going to be set out as a short-term and long-term recruitment strategy.
Recruitment strategies must be proactive in the areas of "quality, quantity and time", ie, qualified personnel in the specified amount and at the desired time.
Must have clear operational plans There is a set of time and results of progress and there are comprehensive measurable indicators.