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    The factory's main goal is to export products that are timely and accurate to its shops and retailers around the world. The finished products’ detail must be clear such as value, weight, export product amount, size of cartons, important export documents, and other requirements which are issued by the headquarter. The factory mainly exports jewelry and tableware products by exporting to a warehouse in the factory and it will be distributed to the shops that make the products order. And exporting to the headquarter’s warehouse of in Denmark to distribute the products to the shops and retailers in Denmark. The exporting department employee who is responsible for this process must have high experiences about exporting, can use complex programs, responsibility for working on time, prudence and can solve problems by his/her own. Moreover, he/she must work with external organizations that are import-export agents, which are the companies that the employee should make a good relationship together to reduce troubles between companies and gain a long-term importing and exporting trade promotion.


   In the first step of the exporting process, the exporting department must separate the products between for sending to the Warehouse in Denmark(headquarter) and to the Warehouse in the factory which will receive the information from the production department.

  1. It is picking the finished products that ready to be exported to the warehouse and Denmark from the production department by using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 program to examine and pick the finished products.

    1. Completed finished product available,

    2. Completed finished product not enough to export, and

    3. List of exceeded products amount

  2. Packing Slip Form:  It is a document which specifies the products' information which importance for issuing invoice & packing list form and it can be an evidence to against the Thai customs. The staff will specifies other important informations for issuing the  invoice & packing list form such as size of cartons, product value, net weight and the address of shipment that will be divided into 2 ways that are exporting to Denmark and exporting to the warehouse. ​

  3. Invoice & Packing List: It is an important document for exporting of the factory, the shippers and the buyers, to examine all trading details by specifying its net value, amount, manufactured and shipping date, term of payments, weight, type of transportation and shipment expenses by issued in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 program.

  4. Good Description: After finishing the issuing the invoice & packing list, the next step is translate the product information from English to Thai language for sending to the shipper to specify in the exporting declaration(export entry) by using the Microsoft Excel program which it can be linked the data across sheets.

  5. Air waybill: The staff must issues air waybill of the shipper for booking the shipment in his/her own. Each shippers have a different booking method, the exporting staff must be careful about the booking document of each company. The factory mostly use express consignment as a main order of shipment which is one of fast express and safe.

  6. Formality Request Form: Everytime that have a shipment to abroad, the exporting department must issues formality request form for air cargo exporting in every shipping time. Due to it is an critical document that must be sent to the Thai custom for checking illegal products before exporting.

  7. After that the staff will inform and send all documents to the shippers through Microsoft Lookout Email as following:

    1. Invoice & Packing list

    2. Air waybill

    3. Good description

    4. Formality request form for air cargo exporting

  8. Copy invoice & packing list form for sending to the accounting department to the shipper who arrive to pick the cartons and check the products during shipping, and to the customers to check the products when they arrive to the destination.​

  9. The shipping company will send the products to Denmark to store and distribute to the shops in the country by spending 1-2 days in the afternoon. Mostly the shipping companies use CIF and Ex-work for exporting to Denmark and FOB for exporting to the warehouse.

  10. Record the exporting products journal in Microsoft Dynamic AX 2012 of Denmark database: after the shipment has begun, the exporting staff will record all products LOT ID that ship to Denmark and must complete before the products have been arrived to the destination and checking the products.


All documents will be collected for 5 years as an evidence and a component document of examination of Thai customs.

Exporting process


     Formality request form for exporting: Delivery of goods from Thailand must pass the formality request form for exporting of Thai customs process. Normally in the meaning of Thai customs, the export is the movement of goods by boat or plane from one place in Thailand to a place outside Thailand. All products exported from Thailand must be reported and pass the formality request of  Thai customs every time, to make sure that export products are reported from Thailand as specified by the Customs Department and control the license for certain products. In addition, the Customs Department is responsible for collecting export data to help governments and industries to use in determining policies and making decisions on various matters before loading goods in ships or airplanes for export. The Customs Department must obtain the information of the product and allow it to be exported. Therefore, this formality request process is the last step for exporting a very complex product. But if the entrepreneurs have studied and prepared in advance, then there will be no difficulty because the government itself encourages the export of products to foreign countries already, they are trying to reduce steps or obstacles to help exporters to be more convenient and fast to export products. Documents used in export generally consist of:

  1. Export declaration

  2. Invoice & packing list

  3. License or export certificate

  4. Other requests (If any)


  1. Express Saver: Express delivery service to the destination before the end of the day and free of charge which can deliver products to 220 countries and territories around the world, which the service model will vary according to the operating system of each company.

   2. Free On Board or FOB: Term of sale under which the price invoiced or quoted by a seller includes all charges up to placing the goods on board a ship at the port of departure specified by the buyer. Also called collect freight, freight collect, or freight forward.


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