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     Inventory control mean the process of making sure that the right amount of goods, parts, and materials are available for sale. The definition of inventory control is coordination and supervision of the supply, storage, distribution, and recording of materials to maintain quantities adequate for current needs without excessive oversupply or loss.

     Inventory management is the supervision of non-capitalized assets (inventory) and stock items. 

Inventory is an accounting term that refers to goods that are in various stages of being made ready for sale, including:

  • Finished goods (that are available to be sold)

  • Work-in-progress (meaning in the process of being made)

  • Raw materials (to be used to produce more finished goods)

         In part of inventory control, we are focusing on bonded warehouse only because Georg Jensen bonded warehouse is big and have the main control or just only one staff and supported by other department such as Pick and Pack or warehouse staffs.




Working duties


      In Bonded Warehouse or Warehouse 300 has one employee in inventory control part. She is the key support in every department especially Pick and Pack, Customer Service, Export and Import (Bonded Warehouse).


       In Bonded Warehouse, inventory control will support by:

        1. Received the order and help pick and pack for prepared shipment.

        2. Received coming shipment and import to inventory.

         Main duty is to make sure that the quality of products in inventory are right by making a report and counting stock and check every month. The position of production control is can be everywhere which relate with warehouse especially pick and pack because of it easy to check the export and import.

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