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       Export in international trade is a good or service produced in one country that is bought by someone in another country. The seller of such goods and services is an exporter; the foreign buyer is an importer.

        Import is a good brought into a jurisdiction, especially across a national border, from an external source. The party bringing in the good is called an importer. An import in the receiving country is an export from the sending country. Importation and exportation are the defining financial transactions of international trade.

There are two basic types of import:

     Companies import goods and services to supply to the domestic market at a cheaper price and better quality than competing goods manufactured in the domestic market. Companies import products that are not available in the local market.

       A general bonded warehouse is the exclusive of taxation which is material or goods that import from oversea for storage, fill, distribute or help for others and Director-General of the Customs Department is agree that there are support manufacturing production and international trade to be effective.

        Manufacturing bonded warehouse is once of bonded warehouses which owner can storage import material to produce, mix or compound to be finished goods by exclusive of import and export duty tax in part of production to export.

Working Process

Import and Export (Bonded warehouse) Duties are;

  1. Do export and import documents for general and Manufacturing warehouse

  2. Contract with shippers        

  3. Contract with Customs

  4. Contract with Department of foreign trade

  5. Facilitate to shipper in part of document to export and import


       In export and import department, they are separate work as clearly there are four workers with different four duties there are;

       1. Process forms to DFT (Department of Foreign Trade) in case of Japan shipments and Australia shipments.


Processing form to DFT

First, Pick and pack give needed documents to export and import (bonded warehouse) departments there are invoice and packing list after they updated stock into their system already.

Second, Export and Import supervisor (supporter) will up lode information into excel which have shipment information from system which link with pick and pack systems then split to staff who duty to make DFT form. The staff will review the information and input to the system which is link with DFT department.

Thirst, DFT receive information from Georg Jensen and print out the official document. 

Fourth, Georg Jensen employee goes to receive and pay fees for those export documents. 

Fifth, Georg Jensen’s employee goes to Cargo to stick put document on the shipment.

2. Export shipment


Export Shipment

   This is responsibility of employee to prepare documents there are invoice, translation document, recreation document and the envelope to cover those documents for shipper (UPS).

      Shipper or UPS will use those documents to exports shipment since Georg Jensen boned warehouse to customer location. UPS is shipping company which help Georg Jensen to export and import products under monopoly agreements between UPS and Georg Jensen Company.


There are 5 processes of export duties;


First, Pick and pack give needed documents to export and import (bonded warehouse) departments there are invoice and packing list after they updated stock into their system already. 

Second, Export and Import supervisor (supporter) will up lode information into excel which have shipment information from system which link with pick and pack systems then split to staff who duty to make Export form. 

Thirst, the staff will review the information and input to the GJCIS system to update a stock and also print invoice and translation detail out then prepare all export documents. 

Fourth, after prepare the export document we will waiting shipper to come and receives shipments and also export documents. 

Fifth, export staff does report of shipment and send it to shipping and record export information it for supervisor to do manual report and yearly report.  

3. Import shipment

    Import duties are import the product to stock into general bonded warehouse and manufacturing bonded warehouse. The object of this department is provide needed documents of import shipment and support to shipping to achieves import process without any problem so the main duty is provide document and check the correctly of every import detail such as invoice number, tracking number, quantities of product, name and SH code of product, shipment weight and others.

import shipment of manufaacturing bonded

  First, Import staff receives per-alert from customer through Microsoft outlook or customer service. Second, export staff receives per clearance from shipping through Microsoft outlook which have invoice and AWB. Thirst, Export and import staff send filed to repair and return department to let them revise invoice for make it easy and correctly to use in import department.Fourth, import and export staff check revised invoice and send to shopping to confirm it. Fifth, shipping send draft to export and import staff department to check.Sixth, export and import staff confirm draft to shipping through Microsoft outlook (mail).Seventh, finish the import process.

import shipment of public bonded warehouse

First, Export and Import office department send Export declaration to Customs department (export and import staff department which in bonded warehouse) to check.

Second, customer department (export and import staff impart of bonded warehouse) receive check and input data into GJCIS system consider as the correctly of export declaration and data in the systems.

4. Supporter in export and import department

      In part of supporter its duties of supervisor which is help and solve problem for import, export and others in this department to achieve propose of the task so, she is a person who stay in every part of export and import working processes.

     Moreover, supervisor have to decide and consider the ways to solve the problems or even emergency case for example, when officer had typed wrong information of the shipment such as invoice numbers into DFT it make problem to ship product to oversee and cannot export cause to hold the shipment then supervisor have to communicate with DFT, shipper and customers and tell the ways to solve problem to officers by herself. Another duty is making report to customs every 3 month and every year by summery export and import information to customs.

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